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Shelley Wells

Reverse Mortgage Specialist
President's Club

NMLS# 448429


2655 First Street, Suite 250D, Simi Valley, California 93065

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About Me

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I’m Shelley Wells, a dedicated reverse mortgage loan officer based in California. I work for Mutual of Omaha Mortgage and have been serving the reverse mortgage community in California for more than 21 years. Originally from Winnipeg, Canada, I moved to California with my parents when I was just 10 years old.

My Work

In the real estate community, I’m known as The Reverse Mortgage Queen. This title is a testament to my dedication and expertise in helping seniors unlock the value of their homes to improve their financial security during retirement. Through personalized consultations and guidance, I’ve helped more than 1,000 homeowners keep their homes, pay off current mortgages, or purchase new forever homes using the reverse mortgage product.

I’m very involved in the Ventura County real estate community and was honored to be awarded the Affiliate of the Year in 2015. This award was particularly meaningful to me as it was given by my peers of mortgage professionals and realtors.

As an esteemed member of the Ventura Coastal Association of Realtors for the past 20 years, I play a pivotal role in organizing and facilitating the Pre-Caravan meetings we hold every week. These meetings serve as a platform for agents to share valuable insights, exchange market knowledge, discuss industry events, and update each other on current properties listed for sale.

I also hold educational workshops for seniors that are focused on financial planning. I regularly visit retirement homes to brighten residents’ days with engaging activities and friendly visits.

Personal Life

When I’m not working, you can find me enjoying life with my husband Sterling and our two four-legged children, a 13-year-old Whippet named Rusty Wallace and an 8-year-old Saluki named Stella. We love spending our off time in our motor home going to Mammoth to ski and NASCAR races.

Living in Oxnard, California, we also enjoy paddle boarding, bike riding along the beach, and breathing in the fresh sea air.

When the weather isn’t great, I retreat to my sewing machine where I love quilting and sewing almost anything I can get my hands on. I also enjoy hand embroidery and teaching youngsters how to sew.


I’m a proud member of several professional groups including:

  • Pro-Visors Conejo Home Group
  • The Conejo Valley Real Estate Pro-Visors Affinity Group
  • The Valley Women’s Pro-Visors Affinity Group
  • Seniors with Special Needs Pro-Visors Affinity Group
  • The Ventura County Coastal Association of Realtors

With more than 21 years of reverse mortgage experience and about 15+ years in the forward mortgage side, I’ve dedicated my career to helping homeowners navigate their financial futures. I believe it’s important to specialize in one product, and I’m proud to be your Reverse Mortgage Queen.

If you are looking for a California reverse mortgage specialist near you, give me a call directly at 1-805-377-9000 or fill out the form on this page to get started. 

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Common Examples of What a HECM Can Help You Do

  • Purchase a new home to fit your lifestyle needs
  • Reduce monthly expenses by paying off existing mortgage
  • Enhance your cash flow
  • Create an emergency fund
  • Fund for home repairs or upgrades
  • Fund the expense for caregivers, live-in nurses, or other in-home care
  • Protect your retirement portfolio
  • Reduce monthly expenses by paying debt
  • Incorporate housing wealth into your retirement plan
  • Increase cash to help ensure monthly bills are paid
  • Reduce the burden of out-of-pocket healthcare costs
  • Have the cash for a large expense, such as a vacation or vehicle
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