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Mark Kelly

Home Equity Retirement Specialist

NMLS# 1379005


1900 Polaris Pkwy, Ste. 450-439, Columbus, Ohio 43240

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About Me

Hello there! I’m Mark Kelly, your trusted reverse mortgage loan officer at Mutual of Omaha Mortgage, based right here in the beautiful state of Ohio. I also serve the great state of Pennsylvania. I bring to the table four decades of experience as a community banker and CEO of four community banks. Over the years, I’ve had the privilege of helping many clients increase their personal net worth and plan for a comfortable retirement.

Now that I have gained a deep understanding of the HECM reverse mortgage program, I am confident in my ability to assist clients aged 62 and over with both pre and post-retirement planning. I work to help them enhance their funds available for various purposes, such as purchasing that “retirement” home or condo. Through this program, they can eliminate mortgage payments and safeguard their other savings and retirement funds.

My mission extends to educating realtors and their staff members about the myriad benefits of reverse mortgage programs, with a particular focus on the Lifestyle Home Loan program, also known as the reverse mortgage for purchase.

When I’m not helping clients or educating others, you may find me at the Chapel Hill Golf Club in Mt. Vernon, Ohio, as an active participant in their senior league golf program. I’m also a proud member of the Fraternal Order of the Eagles.

I’m also an avid camper and love to travel nationwide and explore many areas within Ohio. Meeting fellow campers our age on these travels often provides the perfect setting to discuss and educate others about the benefits of reverse mortgage programs.

I am licensed in both Ohio and Pennsylvania.

If you are looking for a reverse mortgage specialist, give me a call directly at 1-614-425-6800 or fill out the form on this page to get started.

Looking forward to helping you navigate your financial future!

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Common Examples of What a HECM Can Help You Do

  • Purchase a new home to fit your lifestyle needs
  • Reduce monthly expenses by paying off existing mortgage
  • Enhance your cash flow
  • Create an emergency fund
  • Fund for home repairs or upgrades
  • Fund the expense for caregivers, live-in nurses, or other in-home care
  • Protect your retirement portfolio
  • Reduce monthly expenses by paying debt
  • Incorporate housing wealth into your retirement plan
  • Increase cash to help ensure monthly bills are paid
  • Reduce the burden of out-of-pocket healthcare costs
  • Have the cash for a large expense, such as a vacation or vehicle
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