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Men’s Health Month: How to Stay Healthy After 60

June marks Men’s Health Month, a time dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of health and wellness for men of all ages.

For men over 60, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is especially important as it can significantly impact overall well-being and longevity.

How do you stay healthy after 60? What healthy habits should you prioritize at this stage in life?

We talked to five health and wellness experts to get their best tips and strategies for men over 60 looking to optimize their physical and mental health.

Whether you’re approaching this milestone or already there, it’s never too late to make positive changes for your health.

Let’s dive into the steps you can take to stay healthy and thriving after 60.

what to eat

It should be no surprise that we’re starting with diet. Maintaining a healthy diet is crucial for men over 60, as it can significantly impact overall well-being and longevity.  

Dr. Kevin Huffman, a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine, board-certified bariatric physician, and CEO and Founder of Ambari Nutrition, highlights the broader benefits of a balanced diet.  

“One of the best things you can do for your health is eat a balanced diet full of fruits and vegetables, as well as whole grains,” Huffman said. “These give your body essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber, which can help ward off all types of chronic disease, including heart disease and diabetes.” 

And a healthy diet not only helps improve heart health but may also impact brain health. 

Huffman says that “research published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society (2022) suggests that a heart-healthy diet is associated with lower risk of cognitive decline.” 

Protein is another essential component of a healthy diet for older men. Evan Tunis, President of Florida Healthcare Insurance, recommends prioritizing protein intake to maintain muscle mass and strength, which can decline with age.  

“Protein is essential for maintaining muscle mass and strength, which can decline as men age. The recommended daily intake for men over 60 is about 56 grams of protein per day,” Tunis said.  

“This can be achieved through incorporating lean meats, poultry, fish, eggs, beans, nuts, and dairy products into the diet,” he added. 

In addition to food, Tunis says that it’s also important to stay hydrated. 

“As men age, their sense of thirst may decrease, leading to dehydration. It’s important for men over 60 to stay hydrated by drinking water throughout the day,” Tunis explained.  

what food to avoid

Maintaining good health is not just about what we eat but also about the foods we should avoid. 

“While the occasional transgression is fine, there are foods that are best kept as occasional treats,” Dr. Huffman explained.  

“Sugary drinks and refined carbohydrates should be kept to a minimum as they are not only calorific but also cause blood sugar spikes and can lead to a form of hunger that encourages further consumption,” he said. 

These foods can contribute to serious health issues such as hypertension, diabetes, and other chronic conditions. Processed foods often contain unhealthy trans fats and additives that can exacerbate health problems, making it essential to read labels and choose whole, natural foods whenever possible. 

“Alcohol intake should also be kept in moderation,” Huffman added. 

While moderate alcohol consumption may be acceptable for some, excessive drinking can lead to liver damage, increased blood pressure, and other health complications.  

preventative screenings

“Regular medical screenings are essential for men over 60,” emphasizes Dr. Peter Hinz, a chiropractor in Franklin, Tennessee.  

These screenings can help identify problems before they become serious, allowing for more effective management and treatment. 

“I recommend annual physical exams, blood pressure checks, and cholesterol screenings. Screenings for colon cancer, prostate cancer, and diabetes should also be on the list,” says Dr. Hinz.  

These routine checks are crucial for monitoring and maintaining overall health. High blood pressure and cholesterol can lead to heart disease, while early detection of cancers like the colon and prostate can significantly improve treatment outcomes. 

“Eye exams and hearing tests help detect age-related issues early, and bone density scans can check for osteoporosis,” Dr. Hinz adds.  

As men age, their risk for conditions like macular degeneration, glaucoma, hearing loss, and osteoporosis increases. Regular screenings can help manage these conditions and maintain quality of life. 

Dr. Kevin Huffman said that it’s important not to overlook discussions about erectile dysfunction (ED) or emotional issues.  

“Do not be shy of discussing erectile problems or emotional issues. These need to be examined and addressed early for the most favorable outcomes,” Dr. Huffman adds. 

According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, one of the first signs of coronary heart disease is ED. It has also been linked to diabetes.  

physical activity

Maintaining physical activity and improving physical strength is critical for men over 60 to support overall health and quality of life.  

Sean Klein, a certified personal trainer and Co-founder of the workout app Programme, says that “there are two essential components that should make up a physical training routine for men over 60. These are activities which maintain and/or increase muscle mass and strength and maintain or increase VO2 max.” 

As we age, our muscle mass naturally declines in a process known as sarcopenia, making resistance training crucial for men over 60.  

“Through resistance training, we can help to offset this muscle loss,” Klein explains. “There is a correlation between muscle mass and all-cause mortality, so it really is important for physical health.”  

Incorporating exercises such as weightlifting, resistance band workouts, and bodyweight exercises can significantly help maintain muscle mass and strength, reducing the risk of falls and improving overall mobility. 

The second vital component of a fitness routine for older men is maintaining VO2 max. 

VO2 max measures how much and how efficient your body is at using oxygen, according to WebMD

“This is the maximal amount of oxygen we can consume in one minute,” Klein explains. “This also diminishes as we age, but again can be offset with appropriate training.” 

Klein recommends two types of exercises that help improve VO2 max.  

“Training to improve VO2 max can be done through many different forms of cardiovascular modalities, the main two being high-intensity interval training and low-intensity steady state, also known respectively as HIIT and LISS,” Klein says.  

“HIIT involves multiple bouts of high-intensity outputs, and LISS inversely involves continuous training at a low intensity. Both are exceptional for health, and ideally, both should be built into your training routine at any age, but especially over the age of 60 if you are taking your physical health seriously,” Klein adds. 

mental health

“Prioritizing mental health is just as important as physical health,” explained Dr. Peter Hinz.  

According to WebMD, mental health issues affect one in four older adults. Those who are over 60 typically face very emotional transition periods, such as relocating, dealing with the death of a spouse, and physical challenges. Those over 60 also face social isolation and loneliness. 

The most common mental health issues of adults over 60 are depression, dementia, and anxiety, according to data from the World Health Organization.  

“Staying socially active by participating in community activities or clubs can combat loneliness and depression,” Hinz said. 

WHO recommends enhancing financial security and reducing income inequality as a key strategy to promote well-being and prevent stress among older adults.  

If financial security is a concern for you, one option available to those who are 62 and older is a reverse mortgage loan. A reverse mortgage is a unique financial product that eliminates monthly mortgage payments while also giving homeowners access to their home equity in the form of cash. Click here to learn more about how a reverse mortgage works.  

alternative therapies

Brook Paulin, CEO and Founder of Biohacker Supply, recommends exploring some alternative therapies. One in particular that she thinks would benefit men over 60 is red light therapy.  

“Red light therapy is a potent anti-aging modality for men over 60,” Paulin says. “This ingenious photobiomodulation technique rejuvenates cellular function by stimulating ATP production and reducing oxidative stress — root drivers of age-related degeneration.” 

Red light therapy is a popular skincare technology because it is supposed to help reduce wrinkles and stimulate collagen production. 

“But far beyond just superficial skincare benefits, red light’s regenerative properties permeate deep into musculoskeletal tissues. Strategically bathing areas like joints, muscles, and connective tissues in therapeutic wavelengths catalyzes accelerated healing and enhanced mobility,” Paulin explains.  

She says that many of her older clients who have used red-light therapy consistently have reported “diminished aches and improved flexibility.” 

Paulin says that red light therapy may also have some hormonal benefits.   

“Research indicates red light may increase testosterone production while optimizing adipokine profiles associated with healthy metabolic function,” she explained. “By recalibrating hormone imbalances and restoring insulin sensitivity, red light counteracts menacing age-onset conditions like low-T, obesity, and systemic inflammation.” 

And it’s also one of the more convenient and non-invasive alternative therapies available.  


For men over 60, maintaining a healthy diet is not just about living longer — it’s about living better.  

By adopting a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins, men can significantly reduce their risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and cognitive decline.

Staying hydrated and avoiding processed foods further enhances overall health, helping to prevent complications that can diminish the quality of life. 

Engaging regularly in physical activity contributes to better muscle maintenance, greater strength, and improved mobility, allowing men to stay active and independent as they age. 

And prioritizing mental health will help combat depression and anxiety. 

If you need assistance getting started, get help through a registered dietician for best health practices, a personal trainer to help get you set up on a workout program, and/or a counselor to help you navigate difficult transitions or mental health challenges you may be facing.   

Living longer brings the opportunity to enjoy more of life, and with that, the need for additional financial resources. A key concern of retirees is ensuring their retirement income supports them throughout their retirement years.  

If you are looking for others way to supplement your retirement income, find out how a reverse mortgage may help by grabbing our free Reverse Mortgage Guide.  

This information is provided for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute providing medical advice or professional services. The information provided should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, and those seeking personal medical advice should consult with a licensed physician. Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health provider regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in this article. No physician-patient relationship is created by this article or its use. Neither Mutual of Omaha Mortgage, nor its employees, nor any contributor to this article, makes any representations, express or implied, with respect to the information provided herein or to its use.

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