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Paul Donohue

Area Sales Manager

NMLS# 68305


2 Town Square Blvd | Suite 246
Asheville, North Carolina 28803

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Paul Donohue - The Retirement Mortgage Specialist

Reverse Mortgage Basics

Right Sizing

About Me

Paul’s 45-year career has been in service to the Dream of Homeownership, through Strategic Mortgage Planning, Education, and leveraging Personal Property Rights as keystones of our liberties as Americans. Recognized as a housing wealth advisor, mortgage industry visionary, and educator, Paul has sat down at more than 4,000 kitchen tables, advising Homeowners in pursuit of the American Dream.

Paul has founded three companies, first building custom homes in Blacksburg VA. Moving his family to North Carolina in 1987, he started a Mortgage Company and as an early pioneer of Strategic Mortgage Planning Solutions, he has personally originated over 3000 home loans. Concerned about industry practices well before the credit crises, Paul began a Training and Consulting Company and has educated more than 50,000 industry professionals in the science of Home Equity and Debt Management Strategies.

Married since 1978, Paul and his wife have two grown children, three grandchildren, two horses, one pony, a Great Pyrenees dog, and two cats. Paul now works with Boomers and Beyond, specializing in home equity solutions to secure the home, and help people retire with financial confidence through all the phases of Elderhood.

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Cash is King

Retirement Mortgage Specialists

Home Equity - What can it do for you?

Leveraging Existing Home Equity

Leveraging Home Equity

Common Examples of What a HECM Can Help You Do

  • Purchase a new home to fit your lifestyle needs
  • Reduce monthly expenses by paying off existing mortgage
  • Enhance your cash flow
  • Create an emergency fund
  • Fund for home repairs or upgrades
  • Fund the expense for caregivers, live-in nurses, or other in-home care
  • Protect your retirement portfolio
  • Reduce monthly expenses by paying debt
  • Incorporate housing wealth into your retirement plan
  • Increase cash to help ensure monthly bills are paid
  • Reduce the burden of out-of-pocket healthcare costs
  • Have the cash for a large expense, such as a vacation or vehicle
Illustration of person climbing ladder

My Blog

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#2: Should I Pay Cash for My Retirement Home?                       

It’s An Essential Question You’ve worked your whole life. You’ve saved for it, and now it’s time to buy your retirement home in the mountains, the beach, or wherever your heart takes you. You’re selling your current home and considering paying cash for your new retirement home. Moving for the beauty and lifestyle…is a great […]

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#1: An Idea Whose Time Has Come

At a Wealth Advisors conference with one of the most admired thought leaders in the financial services world, a statement was made that profoundly shifted the understanding of how money works for those listening. There were over one thousand knowledgeable financial advisors in the room that day when Don Blanton, founder of the “Circle of […]

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