Mary Jo Lafaye is a certified Home Equity Retirement Specialist with Mutual of Omaha Reverse Mortgage in Northern California. Prior to her current position, Mary Jo was a branch manager in the reverse mortgage department of Security One Lending and before that, a HECM and jumbo reverse mortgage originator and Leader’s Club member at Well Fargo Home Mortgage. Mary Jo has been asked to train Private Bankers and Wealth Management Advisors on the most effective ways to employ Housing Wealth to create Cash-flow and Liquidity for better financial outcomes throughout one’s retirement. These flexible financial tools offer access to a repayment-deferred line of credit, and mortgage payment elimination as a financial planning and retirement tool. Mary Jo is well-known as a trusted resource for retirees – she has taught HECM concepts to real estate finance students at the College of San Mateo and to those seeking their SRES designation. She has participated in panel discussions and delivered hundreds of seminars and talks to groups ranging from the Retired Firemen’s Association, Kaiser Permanente, Rotary Clubs, Santa Rosa CPA Discussion Group, FPA, NAPFA, PFAC, IDFA, AAML and beyond. Mary Jo is also certified to offer continuing education credits (CE) to financial advisors, MCLE to legal professionals, and H4P certification to Realtors.

Mary Jo Lafaye
Home Equity Retirement Specialist
President's Club
NMLS# 246222
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Common Examples of What a HECM Can Help You Do
- Purchase a new home to fit your lifestyle needs
- Reduce monthly expenses by paying off existing mortgage
- Enhance your cash flow
- Create an emergency fund
- Fund for home repairs or upgrades
- Fund the expense for caregivers, live-in nurses, or other in-home care
- Protect your retirement portfolio
- Reduce monthly expenses by paying debt
- Incorporate housing wealth into your retirement plan
- Increase cash to help ensure monthly bills are paid
- Reduce the burden of out-of-pocket healthcare costs
- Have the cash for a large expense, such as a vacation or vehicle