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Millie Garcia, MBA

Home Equity Retirement Specialist | CRMP

NMLS# 207625 | Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida


9611 Acer, Suite 103, El Paso, Texas 79925

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Meet Millie

About Me

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About Millie Garcia

Mirella “Millie” Garcia is a distinguished and compassionate reverse mortgage specialist with a deep-rooted passion for serving the senior community. Since embarking on her journey in the reverse mortgage industry in 2008, Millie has established herself as a beacon of reliability and warmth, guiding families through the intricacies of reverse mortgages with a personal touch that resonates with the care she would extend to her own family.

A Personal Drive

Millie’s foray into the world of reverse mortgages was spurred by a deeply personal experience. In 2006, after her father suffered a stroke, Millie and her family navigated the reverse mortgage process to secure their needs. This experience was not just enlightening; it was transformative, steering her towards a career where she could extend the same support to other seniors facing similar crossroads.

A Wealth of Experience

Millie’s expertise is backed by a solid academic foundation, with a bachelor’s degree and an MBA from The University of Texas at El Paso, specializing in Finance and Commercial Banking. Her pre-mortgage career spanned 17 years in the insurance and financial sector, laying a robust groundwork for her current role.

Beyond Borders

While based in her native El Paso, Texas, Millie’s influence and services transcend state lines, reaching seniors in the following states:

As a Spanish speaker, her bilingual proficiency enables her to bridge language barriers, ensuring Spanish-speaking clients feel equally understood and supported.

Community and Commitment

Millie’s commitment to her community is evident through her active involvement in industry and local organizations. As a former President of the El Paso Mortgage Bankers Association and a board member of the El Paso Estate Planning Council, she has continually sought to elevate industry standards and practices.

Millie’s leisure time is spent contributing to causes close to her heart, such as the Miracle League Bowling League, reflecting her belief in giving back to the community that has shaped her.

Reach Out

Millie Garcia’s journey is more than a career; it’s a mission fueled by personal experience, professional integrity, and a genuine desire to make a difference in the lives of seniors navigating their golden years.

Whether you’re seeking advice, information, or a trusted partner in the reverse mortgage process, Millie is just a call away at 915-383-5460.

Join her on a journey towards financial security and peace of mind, where every client is treated like family, and every solution is tailored with care.

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Common Examples of What a HECM Can Help You Do

  • Purchase a new home to fit your lifestyle needs
  • Reduce monthly expenses by paying off existing mortgage
  • Enhance your cash flow
  • Create an emergency fund
  • Fund for home repairs or upgrades
  • Fund the expense for caregivers, live-in nurses, or other in-home care
  • Protect your retirement portfolio
  • Reduce monthly expenses by paying debt
  • Incorporate housing wealth into your retirement plan
  • Increase cash to help ensure monthly bills are paid
  • Reduce the burden of out-of-pocket healthcare costs
  • Have the cash for a large expense, such as a vacation or vehicle
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